Date: Sun Sep 26 19:05:20 CDT 1999 -500
From: OMNIport Technical Support 
Reply-To: OMNIport Technical Support 
Organization: OMNIport NETwork Services, Subsidiary of Caribe Enterprises, Inc.
Subject: OMNIport Technical Update


We have just been notified by our regional access provider that they
are moving their facilities which will cause a short downtime.
(See below for details.)

1) We will be moving our facilities On Friday, October 1 to the Chase
   Texas Towers (Bass Tower I) in Downtown Fort Worth. 
   We expect a short downtime period around 5am while circuits are
   brought up at the new facilities.

Should you be on-line during that time, you may experience a short interruption
in upstream connectivity.  Please be patient and retry links until you get
through.  Dial-up connections will not be effected, along with e-mail services.

This facility move will provide you with benefits.  With the move, OMNIport
will be able to migrate the existing analog dialup lines to pure digital
lines, allowing those dialing into the Hurst POP up to 56K bps connections.
We will send an update when this is all in place, though it is expected to
happen in the beginning of November.

OMNIport Technical Support 

Please send suggestions and comments to: OMNIport WebMeister
Thank you ... enjoy!
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