Date: Thu, 21 Jun 2001 13:04:16 -0500
From: OMNIport Technical Support 
Reply-To: OMNIport Technical Support 
Organization: OMNIport NETwork Services, Subsidiary of Caribe Enterprises, Inc.
Subject: Upstream Equipment Failure Update


OMNIport Technical Support has continued our search for information
regarding the upstream circuit outtage.  We have provided information
to the people debugging the problem which may help their diagnosis.

At present, the equipment manufacturer is examining the faulty equipment
to determine the cause and possible solutions to the problem.  The
manufacturer has indicated that this is a new problem, not seen before.
The equipment will be replaced at the next maintenance window at 1:00am
tomorrow (Friday) morning.  At that time, the circuit *may* be restored.

We will continue to monitor the situation and *will* be monitoring at
1:00am to verify the connection.  Please bear in mind that though we
have no control over the resolution of the situation beyond diligent
monitoring and helpful observations, we are terribly sorry for all
problems this may be causing you.

Please stay tuned to the News link:

OMNIport Technical Support 

Please send suggestions and comments to: OMNIport WebMeister
Thank you ... enjoy!
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