Date: Sat, 24 Apr 2004 04:05:10 -0500 From: OMNIport Technical SupportOrganization: OMNIport NETwork Services, Subsidiary of Caribe Enterprises, Inc. X-URL: To: OMNIport Customer Subject: Power Outtage Hello, Due to the severe thunder storms encountered this morning, we suffered a total loss of power beyond the ability of our backup power sources to maintain power for our servers. Therefore, from approximately 02:15 am until approximately 03:30am the OMNIport servers were down. Keep up to date on this any other issues concerning the OMNIport network at: Regards, OMNIport Technical Support -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- All communications between parties of this e-mail are private and confidential and may not be printed, reproduced, displayed electronically, nor quoted without the express written consent of the originator of this e-mail. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you experience difficulty sending mail to the originator of this message or replying to this message, go to: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------