"A great pleasure in life is doing
what people say you cannot do."
-Walter Gagehot
The Great List
- Engineering Work Station.
- Health Ink: Medical queries Answered.
- Explorations: Physics-subatomic to cosmic.
- Penton Publishing: Computer-Aided Engineering magazine.
- Reality Interactive.
- ISA: International Society for Measurement & Controls.
- Uniform Code Council.
- NSF International.
- The Why Files: The whys of science answered.
- The Copper page: An element study.
- Navstar GPS: Satellite nerve center.
- Oceanography.
- NASA: Space & Technology.
- Shroud of Turin: Facts & information, photos & debates.
- The VRML Repository: A motherlode of VRML information.
- Open VR Testbed: Home Page.
- Information Assets, Inc.: Engineering VRML models, presentations, papers.
- Klingon Language Institute.
- American Institute of Architects.
- American Digital Maps: International Engineering.
- Joel Orr's World of Technology
- Engineering Information Inc.-- Homepage
- Lucent Technologies - 50 Years of the Transistor
- Penny Orell's Astronomy Page
- HDCD - High Definition Compatible Digital
- Design Engine
- CORE- Industrial Design Network
- Welcome to the APMM
- Design Library
- Design Management Institute - Welcome
- I.D. Magazine Online
- The Industrial Design Legal Protection Page
- The Rapid Prototyping Resource Center
- SME - Society of Manufacturing Engineers
- SPE: Society of Plastics Engineers
- SPI-Structural Plastics Division
- Welcome to EEVL
- Altshuller Institute for TRIZ Studies
- Polymer Explanation.
- Cyber digest: Science/Technology.
- Mars Explorer.
- The National Science Foundation
- The Alexandria Project
- NCSA Project Horizon
- NewCROP HomePage
- Biological Resources Division - USGS
- Pecan Insects
- Earth Satellite Ephemeris Service
- ScienceNet - Welcome to ScienceNet
- Sandia National Laboratories
- Periodic Table - WebElements
- Chem4Kids:Elements
- The Periodic Table Challenge
- University of Michigan Department of Mathematics
- DPRG - Dallas Personal Robotics Group Web Page
- The Robot Group
- Lego Mindstorms
- Beam Robotics
- The Invention Dimension!
- Cool Science for Curious Kids
- Satellite Visibility - Home Page
- Popular Science - Best of the Web
- Conceiving a Clone
- Exploratorium's Science of Baseball!
- NZ Science Monthly OnLine
- Galileo Home Page (JPL)
- Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Network (EREN)
- The PhysLINK.com - Your Guide to Physics on the Web
- The Ozone Hole Tour : Home Page
- The TerraServer User's Guide
- Welcome to the Living Africa
- WebElements periodic table of the elements
- AIP Physics News Graphics
- The Seasons
- Bell Labs In The News
- www.PopSci.com - Best of the Web 99 - Visual Science
- Biological Structure
- Hotlist: Museums
- Center for History of Physics
- Views of the Solar System
- The Biology Project
- The Lab - Australian Broadcasting Corporation's gateway to online science
- Questacon - The National Science and Technology Centre, Canberra
- The Institute of Industrial Engineers
- Science Hobbyist - A list of some very interesting things YOU can do to "experiment" with science in everyday life!
- Science Hobbyist - Traffic Waves, physics for bored commuters
- Circuits in the Circuits Archive
- ChemicalPartners.com - Turn Your Innovations Into Wealth
- Science & Technology Resources
- CNRS homepage
- Electronic Frontier Foundation Awards
- SETI@home: Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence at Home
- IEEE: The Institute of Electrical & Electronics Engineers
- WWWVL Engineering - Edinburgh Engineering Virtual Library
- SCIENCE IS FUN in the Lab of Shakhashiri
- Statistical Assessment Service
- National Center for Biotechnology Information
- Prescient Technologies, Inc.
- PlanetCAD | The premier online destination for manufacturing and design engineers
- U.S. Geological Survey, Volcano Hazards Program
- About Earthquakes
- TryScience
- CAS, Chemical Abstracts Service Home Page
- Windows to the Universe
- The DNA Learning Center
- Labuniverse online community for scientists
- MEMSleadership.com
- The Employment Search Engine for Science
- Welcome to LabSeek - Advancing Science Worldwide
- ChemWeb.com: The Chemistry Community's Online Resource
- ScienceDaily Magazine -- Your link to the latest research news
- Microscopy Society of America
- Science Spectrum and Omnimax Theatre
- WebElements.com - Periodic table of elements - the periodic table on the World Wide Web
- The Shodor Education Foundation, Inc. - Non-profit foundation for the advancement of math and science
- Your Sky
- Science on the Edge
- BioWorld Online, The Worldwide Biotechnology News and Information Source
- LabOnWeb - The first life science research engine, a collection of gene discovery tools
- Virtual Trips to Black Holes and Neutron Stars Page
- UCMP - University of California Museum of Paleontology
- Earth and Moon Viewer
- Chemist's Art Gallery
- Welcome to A Sightseer's Guide to Engineering
- EngineeringExchange - Turning resources into results
- Association for Facilities Engineering new St. Louis website. Tools for Engineering, Management, and Maintenance.
[Note: Designed for a screen resolution greater than or equal to 1024x768]
- SciSeek.com
- ASCE - American Society of Civil Engineers
- NEEDS: A National SMETE Digital Library for Engineering Education
- SAE J1939 Standards Collection
- ASME.ORG - Codes & Standards
- Protein Science
- ASTM Technical Standards for Industry Worldwide
- AVS .... The Science & Technology Society
- ZipLink - About ZipLink
- MadSciNet: The 24-hour exploding laboratory.
- 101Science.com - Science, Biology, Chemistry, more.
- Biosphere 2 Virtual Tour
- Eric Weisstein's Treasure Trove of Physics
- GRIN - Great Images In NASA
- Mathtools.net: The technical computing portal for all your science needs and engineering needs
- Comparative Mammalian Brain Collections
- HyperPhysics Concepts
- MotionNET.com - Engineering Directory
[Warning: This site may induce strange effects on your monitor.]
- Wolfram Research, Inc.
- Molecular Expressions: Science, optics, and YOU - Powers of 10: Interactive Java Tutorial - A journey through space (outer and inner)
- CADRegister (c) 2000 - Your single source for millions of component drawings!
- Eng-Tips - Forums For engineering Professionals
[Note: This site pops-up a window on top of the existing browser window.]
- The Engineers' Club Online Service - Web, Hosting, Engineering
- NASA Technology Portal
- SBA - Office of Technology - SBIR/STTR Main Home Page
- Engineers Edge - Design & Engineering Resources
- CAD-Portal.com - The Internet Resource for Engineering Professionals
- ACM: Association for Computing Machinery, the world's first educational and scientific computing society
- Welcome to Web4engineers - The Premier ASP to the Engineering Industries
- icrank.com - The ideal mechanical engineering design resource
- Autodesk - Point A
- efunda.com ... bringing online resources to the engineering community
- Boron: A Better Energy Carrier than Hydrogen?
- ScienceDirect - Home
- Alibre Design: Modern #D CAD, modest price
[Note: This site employs pop-up windows.]
- The Falkirk Wheel
[Note: This site pops-up their entire site in a new window.]
- Engineering.com - The Engineer's Ultimate Resource Tool
- Keveney Engines - Animated Engines
- The Center for Science Education @ The UC Berkeley Space Science
- Middle School Physical Science Resource Center
- Primate Handedness and Brain Lateralization Research
- Science Made Simple - Metric Conversions
- Scientific and Technical International Exchange - Fonts Project
- E/PO at STScI - Down to Earth Astronomy
- NASA - Mars Exploration Program Landing Sites
- Montshire Museum of Science
- whyfiles.org - Science Behind the News
- The Institute for Genomic Research
- eCIRCUIT Center - A free source for SPICE circuit files and tutorials
- Measure 4 Measure: Sites That Do the Work For You
- pubmedcentral.com - The U.S. National Library of Medicine's digital archive of life sciences journal literature
- Calculator.org - A collection of resources related to calculators
- Science Hobbyist: Top Page
- Museum of Science Home
- Edinburgh International Science Festival
- What's that stuff?
- Malin Space Science Systems - Daily Internet postings of pictures for NASA's Mars Global Surveyor Mission
- The Newton Project Home Page
- Gene Kranz - Failure Is Not An Option - Former Flight Director, NASA
- UMass Scientists Use Microbes to Generate Electricity
- Emhart/NASA Tech Design Contest
- Dinosaur Valley State Park in Glen Rose, Texas
- Dinosaurs in Texas
- Earth Observatory - Natural Hazards - NASA photos of natural disasters
- Microscopy Society of America
- Argonne National Laboratory (US) Microscopy and Microanalysis WWW Server
- The World-Wide Web Virtual Library: Nuclear Physics (list of sites)
- Solar eclipse in Antarctica November 23, 2003
- Solar Eclipse Paths: 1991 - 2030
- University of Arizona Engineering News
- knovel.com - Leading science and engineering books and databases
- Universal Rubber Engineering
- Brace Bridge Engineering UK - ISO 9001 Certified Presswork Manufacturer and supplier